All the Macs I've Loved Before
Macs I Have Known and Loved
The 30th anniversary of the Mac has reminded me of all the delightful Macs I’ve known and loved over the years. Some of them were better than others but each of them stands out in their own way.
- Mac 512KE 1 that had been upgraded with a Mac Plus ROM and 2.5MB of RAM and the addition of external SCSI. Still with an 800KB floppy drive, though.
- Quadra 630
- Power Mac 6100
- PowerBook Duo 280c
- Power Mac 7500
- Power Mac G3 (Beige desktop)
- Power Mac 9500 180MP baller workstation that ran BeOS and Mac OS 9
- PowerBook G3 Wallstreet
- PowerMac G3 Blue & White
- PowerBook G3 Lombard 2
- PowerMac G4 Yikes
- PowerMac G4 Sawtooth
- PowerMac G4 SnakeBite Dual G4
- iBook Dual USB
- PowerBook G4 Ti
- iMac DV SE
- PowerBook G4 12”
- PowerMac G5 Omega dual 1.8GHz
- iMac 17” iMac4,1
- MacBook Black
- MacBook Pro 2,1 or 2,2
- iMac 24” still got it
- MacBook Air still got it
- MacBook Air 11” core 2 duo 3
- MacBook Air 13” core 2 duo still got it
- Retina MacBook Pro 15” still got it
In the racks of fine datacenters:
- Power Mac G3 (Beige tower)
- Mac Mini G4 (hungus)
- Xserve G5 Cluster Node (autobahn)
Hacs (ahem)
These are self-built systems built for OS X but aren’t Macs. They’re fickle and bitchy like a Blue & White G3. I often tell people that having a Hacintosh is a lot like flying the Millennium Falcon — they’re fast hunks of junk that require frequent tune-ups and a completely different set of limitations and restrictions from Apple’s hardware. My Hacintoshing probably needs some better documentation because hobbyist computing is more on the fringe than it has ever been.
- Hacintosh 1: Yorkfield Intel Core 2 quad-core 9550 (12M of cache, ladies)
- Hacintosh 2: SandyBridge Intel Core i7 2600K
- Hacintosh 3: Haswell Intel Core i7 4790K still got it